Life Choices
If you’re navigating the challenges of unexpected pregnancy, we want to help.
Planned or unplanned, all pregnancies come with only three options:
While the thought of parenting a child right now can be overwhelming, parenting is certainly an option and, with the resources available to you, a viable one at that. We understand that you may be feeling unsure of:
If you’re capable of parenting during this time of your life.
How you will support your child.
How your education plans will turn out.
Your partner’s intentions on parenting with you.
Life Choices would love to discuss your concerns with you, and provide you with resources that can assist you if you choose to continue your pregnancy. The first step you can take is to schedule a free pregnancy test, and from their we can provide further assistance, including a limited ultrasound, as well as community referrals.
In an unplanned pregnancy, one of your options is to make an adoption plan for your baby. Many women opt for adoption because you may still give your baby the opportunities that you feel they deserve, even though you aren’t in a position to provide them yourself at this point in your life.
Adoption provides many choices, such as whether or not it will be open or closed, whether or not you’ll be using an agency, and others.
Depending on your situation, there can be several reasons to choose adoption. Some include:
Not wanting an abortion, but not being ready to be a parent.
Wanting to provide your child with a family
Wanting to provide your child emotional and financial stability.
In today’s adoptions, it’s very possible to be able to remain a part of your child’s life if you’d like. Either way, you can have the peace of mind knowing your child is loved and cared for by a couple you’ve chosen.
We would love to help you understand your options with adoption.
When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel heavy pressure in deciding which direction you will go. It can be an extremely difficult time as it is, and having to make a potentially life-changing decision doesn’t help. That’s why taking the time to learn more about your pregnancy options is so important. We exist to provide you accurate, helpful information about each option. We do not benefit financially by your choice. We simply want to provide a judgment free environment, where our caring staff are able to help you. Before getting any type of abortion, it is important to first seek a medical consultation and diagnosis. Receiving an ultrasound before scheduling your abortion can help you confirm your pregnancy, determine whether or not your pregnancy is even viable (whether or not you will miscarry), and determine which abortion clinic procedures are based on your gestational age. By receiving a free ultrasound, you will have a safe and private environment where you can ask questions, learn your options, and determine which choice is right for you.. Learn more about Medical Abortion Procedures. Learn more about the Abortion Pill.
Life Choices does not provide or refer places that provide abortions
Making an Informed Decision
Deciding which choice is best for you isn’t easy. Each individual person faces an unplanned pregnancy with a different perspective. When a pregnancy is unplanned, pressure comes in all directions when making a choice. You might find yourself thinking:
I'm not ready to be a parent.
I wouldn't be able to raise my baby the way it deserves.
How will I finish school?
I simply can't afford a child.
I don't have medical insurance.
While each of those are perfectly normal to think about, the next step is to get tested, and discuss your options with someone who can provide you with counseling and accurate information about each pregnancy option. You might simply need a person to talk to. We’re here for you.